NAR interview

Translated from Sothach! 81, June 1996

Over the past year, the fortunes of NAR have increased month by month. Last year they were voted Most Promising Band at the National Eisteddfod in Colwyn, and they’ve just finished recording at Fflach’s studios. The band from Lleyn have been very busy over the past few months, but have managed to find the time to speak to me about their recent activities.

So, before we start, here is some of NAR’s history.

NAR – according to the band is an old Brythonic word that means Lord or King.

There are five members, whose names are even stranger than the band’s 

  • Hefin Hardcore (Vocals)
  • Antony Pinkfish (bass)
  • Gwern Morthwl Lwmp (guitar)
  • Dylan Cobalt Seren Edrychwr (lead guitar) and…
  • Llyr Llechan (drums)

Picture the scene…about two years ago, in a playing field in the Pwllheli area, five young men are playing Twister – and in a flash of insanity they decide to form a band. So where exactly did this flash of inspiration come from?
Well, we’d had enough of people telling us that we were immature wasters, and being in a band is an excuse to be immature without being immature.

So what has the band achieved so far?
We’ve won at the Eisteddfod and we’ve been recording – hopefully the tape will be out towards the Urdd Eisteddfod in May. Oh yes, we’ve also appeared on Uned 5. In our other lives we’re following Alan Halan the silver fish and his nuts and whizz – and recording a session for Ian Gill as well.

But what about something interesting?
Well…When we played in Denbigh, we got banned from the county for blocking the high street with traffic cones, concrete blocks and sandbags.

Why what?

What was the point?

What about last year’s Eisteddfod – has winning the band competition changed things for you in any way?
The only thing the Eisteddfod achieved was to give us confidence as a group. It was also an excuse to get off our faces- especially after winning the competition in Swrocco. What the fuck does Swrocco mean anyway? I thought Swrocco was a car!

How was the Eisteddfod, generally?
It went very well – especially after we won. The gigs weren’t very good though – the SYB session was crap and was held in the middle of nowhere. We also shared the bill with Soriant and Crys, but there was no-one there! But the beer and the grass made up for that.

Do you think the Eisteddfod is a help to new bands?
No, since nobody takes the Eisteddfod, Easter, Lleyn or Eifionnydd seriously any more.

Are you happy with the way things are going for NAR?
I suppose so, getting more gigs would be nice – there’s doesn’t seem to be much of a scene in the North…only lots of folk bands.

So, I assume that it’s not folk bands that have influenced you?
No, because everything influences everyone – experiences, feelings, even the blue fluff that’s hiding in my belly button!

I don’t have any blue fluff in my belly button!
It’s not an influence then is it? Our musical influences are wide ranging…Hendrix, Portishead, Pulp, Smashing Pumpkins.

They influenced you or you influenced them?
What is influence?

Are you serious – oh you know – having an effect on!
No that’s not what I mean. What exactly is influence…does anyone know? Everyone’s ideas are different, including ours. You can go into that whole ‘do we exist? or are we just a dream’ thing. Why am I so bloody plain? Why don’t I look like someone from Baywatch?

So what do you intend achieving in the future?
We can’t really say, there’s no point raising our hopes. managing to live through next year would be a start for now. But having seen what groups like Gorky’s and Catatonia – the so-called Welsh Rock Scene – have achieved, it makes us confident that there’s a definite future for the whole thing.

What’s important?
Fun, going out, the group and our friends, people are important to the band – Ian Gill, and the judges at the Eisteddfod! Being happy is important – alcohol, women – everything that gives us pleasure, from drinking to the girl next door.

A definition of NAR?
Five members!

And after that, NAR’s concentration span begins to wear out, but, fair play, we have been talking for ages now. NAR are OK – but that’s all, and by now NAR are gone.



